Pre-Squad Information for 2024:
All coaches are required to pre-squad their shooters. Pre-squading begins at 7AM on April 1, 2024. All that is required to pre-squad is an email to the Registration Coordinator (Patti Lacquement, 402-525-7777) at The email must provide the number of junior and senior shooters that each coach expects to bring to the shoot (no individual names are required or desired at this time). Coaches may also include if they want their teams to shoot early, middle, or late in the day and they may also request specific traps to shoot on. Shoot times and specific traps will be considered but not guaranteed as this is provided on a (as required) first come-first served basis. Coaches should notify Patti, as soon as possible, if their pre-squading numbers change. All coaches must complete and return Final Squading documents as listed below.
NOTICE: Coaches should coordinate with the schools that their shooters attend to determine if any Proms, Graduations or Sports Events occur on the same dates as the Cornhusker Shoot. This information should be included with the pre-squading email to justify early or late squading requests.
NOTICE: Coaches should coordinate with the schools that their shooters attend to determine if any Proms, Graduations or Sports Events occur on the same dates as the Cornhusker Shoot. This information should be included with the pre-squading email to justify early or late squading requests.
Final Squading: Submit as soon as possible but not later than 4/24/24
The Final Squading dates below are absolutely firm.
Make checks payable to: Nebraska Cornhusker Trapshoot
All coaches are required to submit final squading of their shooters using the below squading forms or a reasonable facsimile which includes all of the squading information listed on the below forms. The forms should be filled out and emailed (preferred method) to Patti at the above email address, or mailed to 5120 NW 7th St., Lincoln, NE 68521, or faxed to 866-225-3045. Along with the final squading documents coaches must mail a check to Patti for Entry FEES for all shooters that they have registered. All final squading documents and the check must be received by: April 24th. If the check is not received (or other arrangements made with Patti) then all squads for that team may be moved to the end of the event.